Thursday, June 09, 2011

Kindergarten Promotion

Yesterday was Savannah's kindergarten promotion. I can't believe my baby has completed kindergarten and will be a 1st grader! The year flew by and Savannah really enjoyed her first year in elementary school. We are so thankful to have landed at such an amazing elementary school and even more thankful for her WONDERFUL kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Floyd! We are all looking forward to the next few years at Yountville Elementary school-- well it will be more than a few given Dylan has a few years until he even starts-- but I am sure it will all fly by just as quickly as this first year did!

Our invitation to Kindergarten Promotion-- love that Savannah thinks she has such big luscious lips :-)
All ready to go...
Ava Luna, Claire, Savannah

Claire, Savannah, Kevin, Liam & Lily

Saying the "Pledge of Allegiance" in sign language

I LOVE their handmade graduation caps!

Checking out her "diploma"

Mrs. Floyd putting all of her gold slips (earned for good behavior) around her neck

Mrs. Williams (principal) handing Savannah her diploma

Doing a silly dance-- the little boy on the left sat with his hands in his pockets just like that for the ENTIRE performance. Priceless!!

Counting her gold slips!

Mommy & Daddy with their big 1st grader

Proud Graduate!!!

Savannah & Willy

Savannah & Mrs. Floyd

Playing with some of her buddies

Being  silly with Hailey

The beautiful piece of art work the class made for me as a thank you for helping