Dylan had his 1st swim lesson today. Savannah also did swim lessons with Tami when she was Dylan's age-- but man, what a different experience! Savannah NEVER had ANY fear of the water. As soon as she could walk, she would jump right in the deepest end of the pool and could care less about what would happen. Dylan is another story... Don't get me wrong he LOVES water, but on his own terms. And those terms typically involve him sitting on the step of the pool and not moving, so I knew today's lesson was going to be an experience. He was super excited and got right in the water and planted his little bottom right down on the step. There was one other little girl in his class (Annette). Tami looked at Dylan and said, "Okay Dylan, put your arms over this barbell and I am going to help you kick over to the other side of the pool". Dylan answered by hightailing it off the step and out of the pool. Tami successfully coaxed him rather quickly back into the pool by telling him Annette would go first. That was good enough for Dylan... at first. I think he soon realized that Annette's turn would be up soon and then it would be his turn. So he yelled across the pool, "Hey Tami, when Annette is done take her again. And then when she is done, take her again. And then when she is done take her again. I no need to have a turn, I will just sit here and play with Buzz & Woody!" We all laughed and by the end of the lesson, Dylan was swimming on the barbell all by himself!
Levis South Bay!
4 months ago
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