Monday, November 19, 2007

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble

November 19- Here is a picture of the very first Thanksgiving turkey that Mitch & I made this year. This particular bird is made entirely of fruit, cheese & bell pepper and will be heading off to Savannah's school for snack time tomorrow.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

30 Weeks

November 3- Here is a picture of my ever growing belly. I am definitely bigger with this pregnancy-- I am measuring about 2 weeks ahead and have been asked numerous times if I am having twins!!!


October 31- Here is a picture of all the kids from our neighborhood that went trick-or-treating together.

Bedtime Bear & Grumpy Bear

October 31- When Savannah woke up from her nap on Halloween day, she insisted that Daddy told her he was going to dress up as Grumpy Bear. Here are some shots of the two Care Bears in Mitch's last minute improvised costume.


October 31- Here are some pictures of Bedtime Bear on Halloween. Savannah had great time trick-or-treating and handing out candy to all the kids that visited our house.